Friday, January 15, 2010

Physics Study Group, 11/31/09-01/12/10

Over the past couple of months, the Physics Study Group has been unable to meet. The main reason for this is we have been unable to help each other out as the group is currently structured. The founders of the club are planning a revamp and a different structure should be ready after midterms. Until then, all meetings have been cancelled.

SOI meeting 1/14/10

We had no SOI meeting today. However, I have been able to fit more organic foods into my diet.

SOI meeting 1/7/10

Last week we had a very brief meeting. Its sole purpose was to hand out surveys about responsibilities and times for upcoming events. In the meantime I have been attempting to eat more organic and local foods when possible.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hiking Club Winter hike 1/9/10

Yesterday we went on a 10 mile across Falmouth. Because of the cold weather I wore a t-shirt, long sleeve over it, and a coat over it. This is also the first hike that I got to use my new hiking sneakers. The improved traction proved useful, as much of the trail was covered with ice. I also brought much less equipment on this trip to lighten the load on my back. Besides what I what wearing, I was able narrow down the contents of my pack to lunch, one quart of water, and a cell phone. I also took a camera and tried to get shots that got a good feel of the trip. Our next hike will most likely be in the spring, so I will have to dress appropriately.