Monday, March 22, 2010

Hiking Club 3/20/10

Last Saturday we had the first sunny hiking trip of the year. Although it was technically not even spring yet, the weather was very warm, around 70-80 degrees. We hiked a variety of locations (3 in total) in one session, a nice change of pace from long treks.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ultimate Frisbee 3/19/10

Today was our first official Frisbee meet of the season. We started early in the year to due to exceptionally good weather. We had so many people that we had to constantly sub in and out in order to keep legal teams of seven people. Within the first five of minutes of play I was able to notice how out of shape I was compared to last fall. Although I only played for the first twenty minutes I felt completely worn out afterwards. Hopefully I will get better by next week.

SOI meeting 3/18/10

We did not have SOI today because our president, Jade Borgeson, was at a Model United Nations conference. Therefore we did not get to discuss possibilities and ideas concerning our “big event” for seniors at the end of the year.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Game Development Group 3/17/10

This week me, Sebastian and Ben met up with Mr. Knittle to discuss progress on the game. Although we have not gotten much farther in the game, it was nice to reflect on all of the work we have put into, and how far we have gotten since we last met up with Mr. Knittle. We were able to stand back and take a look and how far we have gotten and how much we still have to achieve. We left the room with a better understanding of how close we were to completing the game.

SOI meeting 3/11/10

Today we had a short meeting to check everyone's jobs for tomorrow. I am planning on making cookies for the sale. We didn't discuss much else, but talked a little about having a party for the seniors after the IB exams were over. We will probably talk more about that next week.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Game Development Group 3/8/10

Over the past week I have not be able to do much. I made the room larger and created temporary cloning machines with different spawn rates to make a test version of the game. Sebastian has been doing some networking, but the charger for his laptop broke and he cannot program more until he gets a new one. Ben has created sample sprites for the player with different weapons. I also spoke with Mr. Knittle about more meetings so I could continue to receive CAS, which I will do in the upcoming week.

Game Development Group 3/1/10

This past week progress has improved greatly. I figured out the flamethrower and officially changed the name, from the old "zombies_and_mouse" to a brand new game that is much more like the final product. Like the final product, enemies actually die when hit instead of respawning. To go along with this, I have created temporary versions of the enemies, including the walker and exploder, and have tweaked them so that they have appropriate speeds, damage rates, behavior, sprites and health. The sprites (what the enemies look like) are temporary until Ben can finish the enemy sprites. We have also decided on a newer simplistic style for the characters. Sebastian has been having trouble with the new networking but is working hard to fix the issues. Because of networking I also need a different way to drop weapons, and a different way to do bullet collisions.

Game Development Group 2/22/10

Over the last week were not able to speak with each other about the game, however I was able to port over many of the weapons from my personal build of Sebastian's old game. I also created a checklist to make it easier to figure out what we had and had not finished. I figured out how to make an "angle" and therefore could make the shotgun, minigun and rocket launcher. There were many instances where I had to relearn how to do things from my old game by looking at my own coding from months past. I have now relearned everything I knew about programming and much more. I am currently working through doing collisions with lines. We have also managed to get some art from Ben Doane, who has done lots of background art and will now work on the characters. Sebastian has done a little more networking, but unfortunately discovered that he needs to redo most of the structure. Hopefully next week we can have some character sprite ideas as well as more weapons, some sound effects and a good start on networking.

Game Development Group 2/8/10

Today we discussed plans to further work on our game. After a 4 month hiatus, a new version of Game Maker and the discovery of a way to do networking as planned have started. I have started working on adapting the "extra" weapons I had previously added to Sebastian's zombie game. I will make them more balanced, clean up the programming, and change them slightly in order to better fit our needs. Sebastian will be working on networking and trying to port what work I get done into the networked game. Ben Doane will be working on artwork, and we will see if Alan Haynes does sound. Hopefully a lot of work can be done on the game over February vacation.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

SOI meeting 3/4/10

Today we managed to get even more people into SOI. The members from the previous meeting were there along with Katie Owen. Before watching the movie, we discussed an upcoming bake sale. We set the date for next Friday, and assigned jobs. I will be making more food from the organic sugar and flour I used before. We then watched the reminder of the movie. It talked about food industry screwups and then gave a list of ways to eat healthy and keep a clean food industry. We then discussed how the movie was biased, but that this was an important factor in convincing others of our views. I think we managed to get a lot in considering the meeting was only 15 minutes long.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

SOI meeting 2/25/10

Today we continued watching Food Inc, but we managed to snag one more person (Eric) to watch the movie. Our disccussion today was about the nature of organic foods in the industry, and how they are bought up by major companies and industrialized. This got me thinking about many of the organic foods I eat today and how "organic" they may really be. Also, these organic foods have to travel just as far as inorganic ones. Eating locally is probably the best idea. Next week, we will finish the movie.

SOI meeting 2/11/10

Today we continued to watch Food Inc.. As far as the movie segment, it was about the nature of corn and is use in America, which he had learned about when we read Pollan's book in TOK. However, what was interesting was the attendance for this particular meeting, as well as the decline in between meetings. Attendance had been steadily dropping, and today it reached a new low of 3 people: Jade, myself, and Marissa. This has prompted action on Jade's part to oversee who does and who doesn't get CAS hours.

Monday, February 22, 2010

SOI meeting 2/9/10

This week we continued watching Food Inc. This segment was mainly about the animal treatment in factories. Again I noticed the pro-vegetarian nature of the shots. No argument was made for organic farming of cows or chickens, they only mentioned that what was there was bad. The movie has been one sided and has presented a sort of loaded question in the way that it bashes things that are not organic without showing support or negativity towards organics. I am curious to see the reaction of the club to the movie at the end.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

SOI meeting 2/4/10

We were not able to meet in the past few week's due to Jade's absence. Today, we starting watching Food Inc, a documentary which includes Michael Pollan, the author of The Omnivore's Dilemna which we read in Theory of Knowledge last year. So far the movie has been very insightful, but I have started to notice how the overtones of the movie help make it practically organic propaganda. It reads like a novel rather than an encyclopedia, unlike a traditionally unbiased documentary. This week we also decided to have two meetings next week, in an effort to finish up the movie.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Physics Study Group, 11/31/09-01/12/10

Over the past couple of months, the Physics Study Group has been unable to meet. The main reason for this is we have been unable to help each other out as the group is currently structured. The founders of the club are planning a revamp and a different structure should be ready after midterms. Until then, all meetings have been cancelled.

SOI meeting 1/14/10

We had no SOI meeting today. However, I have been able to fit more organic foods into my diet.

SOI meeting 1/7/10

Last week we had a very brief meeting. Its sole purpose was to hand out surveys about responsibilities and times for upcoming events. In the meantime I have been attempting to eat more organic and local foods when possible.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hiking Club Winter hike 1/9/10

Yesterday we went on a 10 mile across Falmouth. Because of the cold weather I wore a t-shirt, long sleeve over it, and a coat over it. This is also the first hike that I got to use my new hiking sneakers. The improved traction proved useful, as much of the trail was covered with ice. I also brought much less equipment on this trip to lighten the load on my back. Besides what I what wearing, I was able narrow down the contents of my pack to lunch, one quart of water, and a cell phone. I also took a camera and tried to get shots that got a good feel of the trip. Our next hike will most likely be in the spring, so I will have to dress appropriately.