Thursday, February 25, 2010

SOI meeting 2/25/10

Today we continued watching Food Inc, but we managed to snag one more person (Eric) to watch the movie. Our disccussion today was about the nature of organic foods in the industry, and how they are bought up by major companies and industrialized. This got me thinking about many of the organic foods I eat today and how "organic" they may really be. Also, these organic foods have to travel just as far as inorganic ones. Eating locally is probably the best idea. Next week, we will finish the movie.

SOI meeting 2/11/10

Today we continued to watch Food Inc.. As far as the movie segment, it was about the nature of corn and is use in America, which he had learned about when we read Pollan's book in TOK. However, what was interesting was the attendance for this particular meeting, as well as the decline in between meetings. Attendance had been steadily dropping, and today it reached a new low of 3 people: Jade, myself, and Marissa. This has prompted action on Jade's part to oversee who does and who doesn't get CAS hours.

Monday, February 22, 2010

SOI meeting 2/9/10

This week we continued watching Food Inc. This segment was mainly about the animal treatment in factories. Again I noticed the pro-vegetarian nature of the shots. No argument was made for organic farming of cows or chickens, they only mentioned that what was there was bad. The movie has been one sided and has presented a sort of loaded question in the way that it bashes things that are not organic without showing support or negativity towards organics. I am curious to see the reaction of the club to the movie at the end.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

SOI meeting 2/4/10

We were not able to meet in the past few week's due to Jade's absence. Today, we starting watching Food Inc, a documentary which includes Michael Pollan, the author of The Omnivore's Dilemna which we read in Theory of Knowledge last year. So far the movie has been very insightful, but I have started to notice how the overtones of the movie help make it practically organic propaganda. It reads like a novel rather than an encyclopedia, unlike a traditionally unbiased documentary. This week we also decided to have two meetings next week, in an effort to finish up the movie.